How To Project Mobile Or Laptop Screen On Wall Without Projector? | 8 steps easy DIY Projectors

how to project mobile or laptop screen on wall without projector

Wondering how to project mobile screen on wall without a projector? Well, there are many ways to do it. As Projecting your mobile or laptop screen onto a wall is not an expensive affair anymore.

You do not need to buy a projector or any other device, for that matter. Here are some of the best ways to make your homemade DIY projectors, making it easier for you to show your office presentation without buying those expensive projectors. Keep following until the end!

How To Project The Mobile Screen On The Wall Without A Projector – Step-By-Step Guide

Things You Need To Make A DIY Homemade Mobile Projector

  • Your smartphone
  • Shoe Box
  • Hand Hacksaw
  • Foam Board
  •  Magnifying Glass
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Paper Cutter
  • Black acrylic color
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Any normal glue
  • Role Of Masking Tape
  • Paint Brush

Steps To Follow

1. Putting Glue On The Shoebox Flap

When there are two flaps on the shoe box, put hot glue on both of the surfaces of the cardboard shoebox. Then, gently press the hot glue on both sides of the shoebox and let them stick together, so the flaps don’t come off. You need the flaps to stay on the shoebox so that you can easily slide the screen in and out of the box.

2. Painting The Inside Of The Box

Use black acrylic paint to paint the inside of the shoebox. Make sure you don’t put too much paint on the flaps. The black color will bring the result of a sharp screen image.

3. Making a Cravity in The box

To create a cravity in the box, you need to put a magnifying glass on the box while marking it with a pen. Afterwards, continue by cutting the part of the circle that you have marked with the pen.

4. Removing The Magnifying Glass Handle With Hand Hacksaw

After that, you need to remove the magnifying glass handle from the box by cutting with a hand hacksaw. You can also use a hacksaw blade to cut the plastic part of the magnifying glass. Then, you need to sand the handle with sandpaper.

5. Stick The Magnifying Glass With The ShoeBox

After that, stick the magnifying glass with the shoebox by using hot glue. Make sure you don’t put too much glue on the glass. We need a little space between the magnifying glass and the shoebox so that our screen can fit in it.

6. Put The Box Circle On Projector Lens

After that, you need to put the box circle on the projector lens. You can do it by putting the box circle on the lens and then holding it with your hands. Or you can use tape to stick it to the lens.

7. Using Foam Board To Make Your Phone Stand

After that, you need to cut the foam board in a circle shape. The size of the foam board should be about 2 inches bigger than your phone screen. Then, you need to stick the foam board on the top of the box circle.

8. Your Phone Settings For Projecting The Screen On The Wall Without Projector

Make sure your phone’s screen rotation setting is set to be locked while the volume is adjusted to a low volume. Also, check out the brightness of the screen before you start to project it on the wall. You can also adjust your phone brightness and contrast settings to see how it looks.

9. Placing Your DIY Projector

Make sure that you put your DIY projector in a dark room because you need to adjust the brightness and contrast of your phone. You can also adjust it using the controls on your phone.

10. The Final Result

After you have finished putting everything together, you will be able to see your phone screen projected on the wall in a big screen. You don’t need to install any extra hardware for this project because everything is built into your DIY projector. This is a very simple and easy project guide on how to project mobile screen on wall without projector. It is a home-made projector that you can make at home with no experience in electronics or mechanical engineering required. All you need is a box, some tape, and a projector lens.

For pictures check this out.

Projecting Your Laptop Screen on the Wall Without a Projector: Making A DIY Projector

Now, that we have covered projecting your mobile screen onto the wall, it’s time to moving forward to making a DIY homemade projector to project laptop screen on the wall without having to purchase the expensive projector.

So, if you’re searching for that perfect way to present your work, here are some tips on the go.

The Best Ways

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to project your laptop screen on the wall without a projector, try using your phone.

It’s one of the simplest ways to do it. Just make sure your phone is connected to Wi-Fi or has data on it.

You’ll also want to make sure your phone is close enough to the wall you’re projecting onto for it to work properly.

If you don’t have access to Wi-Fi or data, there are other options like making a DIY projector stand with any cardboard box and two glasses filled with water (or sand).

To use this method, place one glass on top of the other; then cover them with the piece of paper that has the presentation on it. Experiment with different levels until you find what works best for you!

Steps To Making A Diy Projector To Project Laptop Screen On The Wall Without A Projector

1. Use a milk crate or stack of books to raise your laptop screen.

2. Get a piece of paper and tape it to the back of your screen with masking tape.

3. Place the milk crate or stack of books on top of the paper. Tape it down to secure it in place if necessary.

4. Put your laptop on top of the milk crate or stack of books, and turn on your computer’s projector to view your presentation!

Making A Diy Projector Stand

Making a DIY projector stand is easier than you might think! First, you just need to look around your house for the most practical materials.

For example, you could use an old milk crate or a stack of books to elevate your laptop. This is one of the most basic DIY projectors, but it will work just fine for presentations that don’t require much screen size.

You can also head out to buy some more specific materials at your local hardware store or office supply store.

Just make sure you have a strong flashlight on hand because these types of projectors usually lack brightness.

Wrapping It Up

This is a very simple DIY project, but it works great for presentations that aren’t too large. You can also use the projector to display other things like your favorite photos. I would recommend using a low-cost projector, though, because these types of projectors usually don’t have much brightness.

Hopefully, our guide on how to how to project mobile and laptop screen on wall without projector will surely help you out. Do try this out and let us know how it goes with you in the comments section below.

See also: How to play Netflix on Projector from Iphone

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